Monday, November 1, 2010

These are the 3 photos I took that I enjoy the most, due to the complexity and interest of each of them.
My favorite though is the one of Amber the lighting was interesting the light coming from the road above and the natural 'grungeyness' to the location makes it unique. It has great leading lines and dynamic diagonals that create a lot of tension and 'livelyness' in the photo.
My second favorite photo that I took was the one in MIAD of my shoe. I would love to take more credit for it, but it was pretty accidental and I love how it came out (creating cool stuff on accident :D). I love the color on the ground and the lighting that was created from overhead, the emphasis is on the negative space and the objects that are seemingly 'poking' into the photo.
My last favorite photo is the one too
k down by the river. It has an incredibly strong diagonal line that leads the eye all the way down the photo and helps define space and distance in the photo. The cool and warm colors contrast each other and create an interesting effect in the foreground.


  1. sweet images! I wish I could read what you wrote. Very strong layout and design of these pieces.
